Starbucks Serves Up Truth & Fiction: Life’s Inconsistencies

Howdy, my friends. It’s been a while. We’re going to talk about that. We’re going to talk about Starbucks…I worked there for three whole months this fall. We’re going to talk about marriage…I’ve been working on this fourth & fifth one for 30 years. But, first we’re going to talk about inconsistencies. Life’s big & little inconsistencies. Like the month of February. And the days in the month of February. Some years, February ends on this day, the 28th. But some years, it ends on an extra day, the 29th. February is the only month of 12 months, every year, which is like that. Life’s big & little inconsistencies.

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Gender is on a Different Racetrack

When I find myself on a congested track — like, say, The 5 freeway at 5 o’clock on most any day — I do whatever I can to get off that track. Do you feel the same way? This happened just yesterday. I was stuck bumper-to-bumper on a crowded freeway — like you have been some days, I’m sure. I ended up getting off that track, finding myself having a Taco Tuesday meal in a very crowded restaurant. You would agree with me, though, this crowded track felt nicer.
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The REAL Jesus Christ Superstar | The REAL Square Knots

It is another good Friday of 2018…Good Day World.

Is it a day like every other day? This morning the sun turned the dimmer moon into brighter light. Then, we all looked to see what we have become familiar – or comfortable – with seeing. We have widely accepted the square knots as one of the strongest securing of two halves…to make whole. The strength of square knots – right over left & under, left over right & under – is a concept worth examining.

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Trump; Where is God’s Jane/John 3:16?

The world needed a wake-up call. We got one.  One year ago, the Trump train pulled into the station of our nation’s capitol. Another patriarch, in this country’s 242 year history, was to be inaugurated to the 45th seat of the presidency of the United States. America, the land of freedom, has never let a matriarch hold this seat, although her womb has given birth to everyone whom has. Under the big tent of this circus train, we have seen quite the cast of characters come & go! Their ringleader has been the biggest showman of them all, Donald J. Trump (DJT), on center stage. DJT has been chipping away at the shiny veneer of the image of manhood and the presidency that got him there.

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How I Began

I began parenting in 1982. At some point, between four kids and six kids, I began a practice called, “Fun Friday.” This meant ending the week with a reward. A family movie night, popcorn and a favorite treat. The treat, for me, was my mind could then flow. I got to know who I was…what movie I wanted to watch the world unfold into…and what treats of life I needed for fun.

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