Starbucks Serves Up Truth & Fiction: Life’s Inconsistencies

Howdy, my friends. It’s been a while. We’re going to talk about that. We’re going to talk about Starbucks…I worked there for three whole months this fall. We’re going to talk about marriage…I’ve been working on this fourth & fifth one for 30 years. But, first we’re going to talk about inconsistencies. Life’s big & little inconsistencies. Like the month of February. And the days in the month of February. Some years, February ends on this day, the 28th. But some years, it ends on an extra day, the 29th. February is the only month of 12 months, every year, which is like that. Life’s big & little inconsistencies.

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Breathe, Drink, Eat, Move, Play, REST…Repeat

Guess what? If you change the way you look at things…things have a way of changing.

Men & womben everywhere…instead of focusing on what divides us, let’s look at what unites us!

We know there are 6 basic protocols of existence all humans must live by. And, here’s what they are:

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