Starbucks Serves Up Truth & Fiction: Life’s Inconsistencies

Howdy, my friends. It’s been a while. We’re going to talk about that. We’re going to talk about Starbucks…I worked there for three whole months this fall. We’re going to talk about marriage…I’ve been working on this fourth & fifth one for 30 years. But, first we’re going to talk about inconsistencies. Life’s big & little inconsistencies. Like the month of February. And the days in the month of February. Some years, February ends on this day, the 28th. But some years, it ends on an extra day, the 29th. February is the only month of 12 months, every year, which is like that. Life’s big & little inconsistencies.


You haven’t heard from me in eight months. My marriage took a nose dive. Although, we were fortunate to rebound off of rock bottom. At the present moment we’re flying higher than ever before…and still heading Our True North. I just turned 60 this inconsistent month of February 2019. But as a sexual being, my mean age is 30. For these last 30 years I’d been schooled brilliantly in the Fine Art of “ice water veins & infernal loins.” As Dorothy Parker says, “Higamous hogamous, women monogamous. Hogamous higamous, men polygamous.” In the end, forgiveness is all there is. Life’s big & little inconsistencies.


So, the green Womben “Godest” apron of Starbucks lured me, as you remember from last we spoke. The truth is…Starbucks tries to stand up to that image. Their mission statement, after all, is to inspire & nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, one neighborhood at a time. However, in my three months at Starbucks working part-time, what I found in my time there was very different from their mission statement. Money – and the making of it, in whatever way they can, no matter what (or who) they sacrifice – is much more important to StarBUCK$ than inspiring or nurturing anyone. They sacrifice our health in the shameful ingredients they use…and give glossy advertisements instead of glaring facts. They sacrifice their employees – wonderful, wonderful people – to slave labor on the backs of technology & mobile ordering that allow much more money, but much less time to connect with another’s human spirit. Shame on StarBUCK$, whom I really Love a latte. Life’s big & little inconsistencies.

Stimulus & Response

I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about stimulus & response. You see, I had shingles for Christmas. It started December 12th, my last day at Starbucks. Shingles, as those who have intimate knowledge know too well, is a PAIN on a higher level of intensity & frequency. Shingles pain is nearly always consistent no matter what. However, what this intensely reflective time gave me, was honing my skills between stimulus & response. I took this healing time to use my mind. I asked questions about the REAL Godest who lured me in the first place. I knew then, all the knowledge I am in need of will be revealed to me upon my need of it. When I ask I shall receive. So I ask, why is this travesty in our world? Where is the TRUE Godest spirit represented at Starbucks…or government…or religion? Womben – as the womb and cradle of civilization – make up more than half of our population. We hold up half the sky. Yet, we are still so suppressed & poorly represented…why? Life’s big & little inconsistencies.

Mission Statement

My mission statement is this: If we end the wars in Families, we end the wars in the world. One person at a time can use their time to end their own personal Family war. One of my favorite quotes is, “Family is everything. Everything else is just everything else.” As I’ve said from the beginning, to accomplish all of these things, we must look back to the very beginning and recognize divinity as a Family. Divine masculine, divine feminine working together in Heaven as should be on Earth. We need to see ourselves in Divine Family in loving ways. To have a kind & benevolent Father God, you must have a kind & benevolent Mother Godest. To have a kind & benevolent Brother Jesus, you must have a kind & benevolent Sister Magdelene. And, it all began with the Greatest GrandMother HOLY SPIRIT OF TRUTH. This Heavenly FAMILY has been kept from our intimate knowledge far too long. That’s why I am writing Womben’s wrongs to make them right…in lipstick or in blood. Life’s big & little inconsistencies.


One thing that will always be consistent is, there will be change. Sister, Brother, & Other…change is a comin’. There are more Womben in our government than at any other time in history. We can thank the 2018 midterm election and Womben electing to stand up & use their voices. I was once a Boy Scout committee chairperson in Nevada and Utah for my two boys. For the first time in the Boy Scouts of America‘s history – which is over 100 years – girls were allowed to earn merit badges alongside their male counterparts at the merit badge major events all across our country. The “Inner Gee” is changing into the age of seeing boys & girls working together in all things. Religion is scheduled to be the next shake-up. I’ll share more about that in our next blog. Who knows when that will be? Life’s big & little inconsistencies.

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