Gender is on a Different Racetrack

When I find myself on a congested track — like, say, The 5 freeway at 5 o’clock on most any day — I do whatever I can to get off that track. Do you feel the same way? This happened just yesterday. I was stuck bumper-to-bumper on a crowded freeway — like you have been some days, I’m sure. I ended up getting off that track, finding myself having a Taco Tuesday meal in a very crowded restaurant. You would agree with me, though, this crowded track felt nicer.

The best seats in this restaurant were an open-air bar overlooking Del Mar Racetrack. Ironically, these seats were available. This was only because it was a cool rainy day in sunny Southern California. Most womben & men don’t step away from the track where their life’s heating pad is turned up to 10. However, what’s important to report is what happened next. It’s what I heard & saw that stopped me in my tracks, as I got off crowded tracks to overlook Del Mar Racetrack.

At the crowded bar, you are sitting shoulder-to-shoulder or shoulder-to-back. The latter was the case for me. I had backs to both sides and I sat singly looking forward. Although, my ears couldn’t help but hear the real-life reality show of a first date. It was not only a first date, but a blind date…going on in the two bar stools just to the right of me. Shortly after this first date began, the couple in the two bar stools — just to the left of me —departed. This left my audio reception, to my right, even clearer. The more I listened, the more I heard & saw, the more I couldn’t believe my ears & eyes. You would’ve not been able to turn this episode of a reality show…off.

I was witnessing what I write about…in full living color. The divine balance of the feminine & masculine still being imbalanced…only on a different track. It was a glaring example of the rise of our feminine culture. Yet, equally as glaring was the demise of what was once manhood. In other words, the complete imbalance of male & female, just from the opposite perspective or other side of the track.

The Date

The womban had arrived early. She had almost completed a beer before her blind date showed up. When he finally arrived, he came in sounding blind. He was immediately complaining of poor directions & a crowded freeway. It was poor excusing the man was using & he just didn’t get away with it. However, a womban could have been excused…giggling & batting her eyes.

The Womban & Man

Now, this particular womban was Latina. She had long, straight, dark hair parted in the middle. Her physical features were pointed in her nose & face. These framed round eyes covered with glasses — with equally pointed fingernails. She wore a professional pant suit with pointy heals, too. There was an air of details about her & an air of the hard-working class.

The fair-haired & -skinned, freckled-face, farm-boy type man, loped in like a golden retriever puppy. Everything about him was round & soft and almost squishy looking. The only exception were the two manly tattoos on both forearms. His eyes gave the air of “I’m here, but I’m not sure I want to be.”

The womban had her first degree in pharmacy and had worked in that field first. Next, she went on to add finance to her portfolio and now had a successful position in the money management field. She sounded like a self-starter who was soaring on her own.

The man lived along the cushy Orange County coastline with (what sounded like) family. He did not have a degree or a professional job, being simply a caretaker to the elderly’s needs. He was mostly concerned about sticking to his Paleo Diet for fright of being overweight. Both this man & the womban said they were age 28.

The man said he didn’t drink anymore, claiming it hadn’t worked out for him. The womban claimed she listened to country music, saying she found it so endearing. The man made it clear he would never hear any country music, stating, “It sounds like a deal breaker.”

The Resolution

All any two people, partnering, desire is to be loved, respected & treated fairly. I said to myself, “What has happened to our image of manhood & wombanhood? Is this the new model for the dating track?” The brokerage of this date was taking me back to, what seems like, not so long ago. This is when the shoes & the genders would have been on the other feet or the  other side of the track.

I know, and you know, this is not the track we want — not the reversal of roles as genders. We must back up for a better start and balance our roles as genders. This, my friend, is the one & only track…Our True North.

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