How I Began

I began parenting in 1982. At some point, between four kids and six kids, I began a practice called, “Fun Friday.” This meant ending the week with a reward. A family movie night, popcorn and a favorite treat. The treat, for me, was my mind could then flow. I got to know who I was…what movie I wanted to watch the world unfold into…and what treats of life I needed for fun.

As a womban, mother and wife, I’ve been studying this subject intensely for the past 30 years. That’s right, it’s not a typo — that’s the way I spell woman. It’s a reminder that womben hold within them the center of the circle of life, the womb. We must begin — womben with men — each having equal access to all the keys to this world. Then we must present honor and love to all men with womben equally. I formed a thesis statement, from my research, that believes “if we end the wars in families, we end the wars in the world.” The first war that must end is the battle of the sexes. All womben with all men, in this world, must unite behind the idea of gender equality from heaven to Earth.

Twelve years ago, I began writing Our True North: How a Refugee Escaped the Old Guard of Patriarchy to Discover Divine Partnership. I’ve studied Hollywood. I’ve studied Shakespeare. I’ve studied child psychology and anthropology. I’ve studied the history of most religions, as well as the development of the faithful and the fallen. I’ve lived in England and Paris – hanging out mostly in museums, where I fell in love with Egyptian culture from studying the relics. I’ve unearthed many secrets to share. FUN FRIDAY FLOW will be your Friday place to hang out with me, LezlieGarityG, and get to know these new ideas. We’re in the most rapidly changing time the matriarchy and patriarchy have ever yet seen! And you know what they say: We ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Today I begin a personal weekly blog from my heart and mind to yours. The movie my soul longs to create is a loving, joyous, healthy world family in harmony with life. At the end of life’s journey, this will be my reward as a mother, grandmother and human being holding up half the sky. The treat is…the truth, the whole truth and nothing but…my truth. So, let’s connect on Fun Fridays and flow…

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