Starbucks Goddess of All Religion; Ordain Women

I decided, this spring…I want to work at Starbucks. I want to wear that green apron on my chest of a Godess. I want to represent what I stand for.

Jimmy Carter & Religion

My favorite president, during my lifetime, is Jimmy Carter. Before I knew about being politically active, as a young teenager heading off to college, I saw through the lens of a TV camera Jimmy Carter’s energy & honesty. I also distinctly remember seeing the partnership & respect he exampled with his wife, Rosalynn Smith Carter.

In spring of 2000, President Carter started singing the gender equality song. This was before I was told, by Angels, gender equality was to be my song. And it needs to begin from the top down…the deity in our society.

President Jimmy Carter formally separated himself from the religion of his birth — Baptists — along with his equal-partner wife, First Lady Rosalynn Smith Carter. They left the Baptist religion of their birth because they refused to ordain womben as equal partners in their religious hierarchy. The Carters wore their visions on their chest, too…like the green-Godess aprons at Starbucks.

My husband, Ricky (aka Gam), and I were schooled in religion through the lens of Mormonism. In spring 2005, we separated ourselves from activity in the religion we were born into, just like President Carter & First Lady Rosalynn Smith Carter. We did this for the same reason: because womben are not ordained as equal partners in Mormonism, either.

Ordaining Womben

In spring 2013, Ordain Women — a movement — was launched by Kathleen Marie Kelly (known as Kate Kelly). This movement is meant to bring equal status to the divine feminine & divine masculine in the religion from my birth…Mormonism.

Kate Kelly was a returned missionary from the Mormon faith. She is a famed & accomplished international civil rights attorney out of Washington, D.C. Kate Kelly is a colleague of the likes of Amal Clooney. These womben mirror my same passions…to seek equality in all things for all people everywhere, especially womben. Kate Kelly turned the lens of equality on Mormonism and created the movement, Ordain Women.

In spring 2018, my husband & I saw why we need to ordain womben, up close & personal. Through our lens of Family, we saw our oldest daughter — just 27 in July — fly & soar at a height of spirit channeling, like any patriarch has experienced. It was surreal, as parents, to witness.

Our Daughter, Priestess of Wisdom

“Out of the mouths of babes,” or baby dolls, as my Gam has called womben. We saw, in our own dear daughter’s Family, Team Gender. Team Gender is our movement of searching, seeking, and pushing through to find balance for divine feminine with divine masculine. Our daughter has created equal status of RESPECT in her marriage. She found an equal half to the entire whole of decisions to be made in their lives…with the other half of the computer brain of life…her husband.

Womben need to share an equal seat at every table in every house. Over this last decade in the house I share with the man I made my partner (30 years October), we have been striving to define the intricate dance between divine feminine & divine masculine. It means everything to the quality of the marriage bed. A happy house has two happy spouses.

As a priestess of wisdom, with her husband looking on, our daughter & son-in-law shared marriage advice, relationship advice, and spiritual advice in partnership, with her father & I. This vision, on a spring day in May, said to my searching heart, “This is what an ordained woman is all about.” Here was the scene, as proud parents, we will never forget.

Our daughter, as the matriarch, sat at the head of the black, granite, square slab island in the kitchen belonging to her & her equal partner. Ricky & I were sitting side-by-side on her right with Ricky closest to her on my left. We listened intently to our daughter’s wise words of counsel. We sat admiring her calm & patient delivery. She sat like a glowing Godess Buddha. She was only days before delivery of her first Mother/Father/God masterpiece…their child.

Spousal Support

Our daughter’s husband, partner, and soon-to-be proud father — representing the patriarchy — sat behind his glowing Godess. He sat on an adjacent countertop. Sometimes he was standing in support, behind her, too. But, what was clear, in words & actions, is he stood back-up to his wife & partner. They were on equal & solid ground.

This example springs forward all the reasons why this world is in critical times to use the other half of the whole of man- & wombankind. Time’s up, patriarchy! Time to ordain womben.

My daughter has her Divine Feminine voice. Her husband is letting her sing with it. They both have seen me use my Divine Feminine voice. My dear husband and partner, Gam, is supporting me in singing the Divine Feminine song.

The world needs so desperately to ordain womben in all religions. Balance must begin from the top down, as President Jimmy Carter & First Lady Rosalynn Smith Carter exampled. To the LDS Church of my birth, it’s especially time to spring forward in singing the Starbucks Godess song.

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