The REAL Jesus Christ Superstar | The REAL Square Knots

It is another good Friday of 2018…Good Day World.

Is it a day like every other day? This morning the sun turned the dimmer moon into brighter light. Then, we all looked to see what we have become familiar – or comfortable – with seeing. We have widely accepted the square knots as one of the strongest securing of two halves…to make whole. The strength of square knots – right over left & under, left over right & under – is a concept worth examining.

In the church I was raised, the focus was on the last days of this Earth Life. This particular church, born in America, is 188 years old. For all of those 68,620 days, this “last day” was preached to be eminent & fastly approaching. The emphasis of our day-to-day lives was to prepare for this last day on Earth. Maybe it will be the last good Friday day the world will know before Jesus Christ of Nazareth returns…ALONE. This is what we as humanity are missing. This is what we as men & womben are not seeing. This is only half the strength of a square knot. This is a concept worth examining.

Let’s examine the square knot. Right side over left side. The right side is known as the masculine side, where the left side is known as the feminine side. In the square knot, after the right side goes over the left, it goes under it for the first secure wrap. Then, the left side over right. It reverses…the feminine side goes over the masculine side & under for the second secure wrap. It takes both the right (masculine) & left (feminine) side to go both over & under one another to secure the strongest knot…square knot.

We collectively look to a day of change. We are people desiring compassionate community living in our world. Change will come…when we change the way we look at things, like square knots. If we change the way we look at things, then things change.

Jesus would (k)not return with only half the strength of a square knot, or masculine side. If we are looking to celestial beings to return to save and enlighten us…we should expect these celestial beings to return to Earth saved & enlightened, themselves, in a divine partnership of masculine & feminine. It is said where two or more are gathered…there God is. Jesus & Mary Magdalene united as square knots over 2,000 years ago. Their square knot unity exampled the strongest partnership there is – divine feminine working with divine masculine as one in all things. On Earth it has taken thousands of years to unravel patriarchal pride. On this good Friday, we can clearly see the need for the left side of square knots in all things.

If indeed Jesus Christ returns, it will be with Mary Magdalene. This is what will be called “The Second Coming.” This will produce the second secure wrap of square knots. It is also foretold, of this time, that everything we thought to be one way will actually be another. The other half of the strength of the square knot is the left side…the feminine side. The dimmer moon is brought to light by the brighter sun. The son & daughter of Godess & God returning as examples of whole square knots.

Why (k)not?

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