Trump; Where is God’s Jane/John 3:16?

The world needed a wake-up call. We got one.  One year ago, the Trump train pulled into the station of our nation’s capitol. Another patriarch, in this country’s 242 year history, was to be inaugurated to the 45th seat of the presidency of the United States. America, the land of freedom, has never let a matriarch hold this seat, although her womb has given birth to everyone whom has. Under the big tent of this circus train, we have seen quite the cast of characters come & go! Their ringleader has been the biggest showman of them all, Donald J. Trump (DJT), on center stage. DJT has been chipping away at the shiny veneer of the image of manhood and the presidency that got him there.

When I say, “image of manhood” & “Donald J. Trump” in the same sentence, what does that conjure in your imagination? Days before this man was elected, I was among the believers saying, “This will never happen.” Then, I saw a video on social media of a Shaman womban. Shockingly, she said the world needed the chaos that DJT would bring to the scene. Somehow, her words comforted me into believing this is how the real truth about the patriarchy would finally be seen. Well, we’ve certainly all been getting our eyes full.

What the world is seeing, in vibrant living color, is DJT as a cartoon caricature of the best & worst of the patriarchy. The best in this man is being a good provider, whether ethical or not. He found a way for a blended family to stay connected in seeking common goals together; however tainted those goals may seem to some. The worst is his example of grossly disrespectful actions against womben. Then the curtain was pulled, exposing the likes of Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and Matt Lauer.  And the list gets longer every day. We have all been watching these men’s antics, including DJT’s, with our mouths getting wider & wider open in disbelief. All at once, womben started using those open mouths to speak up en masse. The floodgate of change to the patriarchy found a crack!

That crack is now a rushing river flowing…exposing & cleaning out corruption of patriarchy gone awry. But, the wonderful thing is people of both genders are opening their eyes wide! Men and womben both are embracing the change being brought by this new tide.

The tide is controlled by the stars in the sky. Is there higher control in the heavens? Who reigns there? Each religion offers its own take on the hierarchies in heaven. But, we womben painfully know it is predominantly patriarchal. There is no mainstream religion in the United States of America that recognizes womben as equal deity to men…or deity at all.

I was raised Mormon. This now worldwide religion was homegrown in the USA, since 1830. In their preachings, it is alluded there is a “Mother in Heaven…a partner to Father in Heaven or God.” But the caveat is, you’re not allowed to talk about “Mother in Heaven!” It is said she is so sacred & special that Father in Heaven didn’t want her talked about. There is also no example of partnership between gender equals found in Mormonism on Earth. Ironically, Mormons do believe Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, had a child, and their lineage exists today. Although, since the early prophets of Mormonism, this was pushed under the table. Like polygamy, it exists…but, nobody talks about it.

In 2004 I was studying the Mormon bible or Book of Mormon with my Family, because our Prophet (a direct voice from God) told us to. Our youngest child of six, a precious daughter at the tender age of 10, asked the question that started me on this quest. “Mommy, where are the daughters in the Book of Mormon? Why don’t they talk about the daughters?” Where is Jane 3:16?

This example of gender inequality in religion or heaven is why womben don’t have RESPECT like men on Earth. It begins with RESPECT of recognizing, equally, both genders — Mother and Father God from Heaven to Mother and Father on Earth. Little girls & little boys will see themselves in deity from the beginning of their lives. Thus, being able to example partnership & RESPECT to one another and their families…as life’s Grand Prize. It’s a Wonderful Life…seen through gender equal eyes.

What I have always admired most about Mormons…is the chance they have to get it right. Then they muck it up with the patriarch prideful fall, starting with polygamy. The Mormon founder Joseph Smith and his wife Emma Smith were full partners in the beginning foundations of this homegrown religion. Then, a little over a decade later, Joseph’s little head voice got louder and he created polygamy…saying it came from the voice of God. Polygamy changed the voice of Mormonism. Gender equality was never heard about again. A male-only voice of God makes matters worse, not better.

How to make it better is so very simple. Introduce the world to our Mother in Heaven. If there is a John 3:16, there is also a Jane 3:16. Then, begin to show complete gender equalities in all things from the top down. Let’s put the top down and expose the truth of all things. A truth that showcases our deity living life as gender equals in heaven. Then men and womben can follow their lead here on Earth.

Let’s begin by setting this ancient record straight: Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. Fake news from the bible portrayed her as a prostitute. Other ancient records, like the Gnostic Gospels and Dead Sea Scrolls, set the record straight. These records make it clear, when all is seen, we will see Jane 3:16. Also, by the way, Mary Magdalene was never a prostitute. NEVER! Mary Magdalene and Jesus had a child and became a family. They were examples of the circle of life!

In the center ring of the circus Trump brought to town, there is Good News!  The Good News is people are waking up, looking around, and speaking out. Let’s start recognizing what the fake news religions have been selling us from the beginning of time. Time’s up! We need to remove & change the concept of gender inequality in heaven.  It only divides us as men & womben.  Let’s unite us!  There’s a Mother in Heaven, too. And, she’s talking to me and to you. Let’s listen.

2 Replies to “Trump; Where is God’s Jane/John 3:16?”

    1. That 10 year old daughter had just watched a movie about the Story of Lehi where there were daughters present. Being young I figured if it was in the movie it would be in The Book of Mormon. There was no questioning about gender equality from that innocent comment. When things are Sacred, we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, keep them personal as to not let the world demean them. Heavenly Father holds Heavenly Mothers with so much love and respect that he did not want her name used as slander the way his name is used in vain. While I know that we have different beliefs, I would appreciate you not using me as the basis or reason for your disbelief of Mormonism.

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