Gender is on a Different Racetrack

When I find myself on a congested track — like, say, The 5 freeway at 5 o’clock on most any day — I do whatever I can to get off that track. Do you feel the same way? This happened just yesterday. I was stuck bumper-to-bumper on a crowded freeway — like you have been some days, I’m sure. I ended up getting off that track, finding myself having a Taco Tuesday meal in a very crowded restaurant. You would agree with me, though, this crowded track felt nicer.
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How I Began

I began parenting in 1982. At some point, between four kids and six kids, I began a practice called, “Fun Friday.” This meant ending the week with a reward. A family movie night, popcorn and a favorite treat. The treat, for me, was my mind could then flow. I got to know who I was…what movie I wanted to watch the world unfold into…and what treats of life I needed for fun.

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