About the Book

Our True North

Our words define us, then our actions tell the story. Today’s story is: a veil of pain separates our genders. It is a veil of lies, half-truths or pure imagination. The sun of our full vitality and potential as humans is shrouded when the patriarchal view of human life is the only view. In the fall of 2017 — with the exposure of men’s misdeeds — we all witnessed the fall from the pedestal of patriarchy in our lifetimes.

Our True North is a narrative memoir brimming with a vibrant and timely story about why the world needs to break the bonds of seeing human life through only the patriarchal view. Our True North’s aim is to show us, not just an escape, but also a victory — a victory of partnership between genders. This book shows how a refugee from a broken system found the direction where partnership grows — Our True North. For us, it’s a new way to walk together.