Breathe, Drink, Eat, Move, Play, REST…Repeat

Guess what? If you change the way you look at things…things have a way of changing.

Men & womben everywhere…instead of focusing on what divides us, let’s look at what unites us!

We know there are 6 basic protocols of existence all humans must live by. And, here’s what they are:

  1. Breathe — we can only survive minutes without oxygen
  2. Drink — we can only survive days without water
  3. Eat — we can only survive weeks without food
  4. Move — our bodies deteriorate without movement
  5. Play — our souls need stimulus
  6. REST — our minds need REST

We know Love is the universal language. We have learned the only way to become fluent in the language of Love is by truly Loving ourselves.

Here is our gift of Love to you. Simply subscribe to our blog and you will be sent these tools & recipes for learning the language of self-Love.

We call it Self-Care for Refugees from Patriarchy: A Set of Tools for Beginning to Heal the Masculine and Feminine in Partnership. This is for men & womben to start together again…at the beginning.

Whatever the world experiment you believe yourself to be a part of, we’re all part of the human experiment — living together — among Mother Nature. Every being came through the womb (or what we call the circle of life) and was given life by an earthly Mother. From birth we’re all bound by the same set of rules to survive. We must have oxygen to breathe. We must have water to drink. We must have food to eat. We must dump the toxins from our body. We must connect to the goodness of life. And, we must REST. We emphasize REST because, statistically, Americans take less vacation time than any other country in the world. We know that if we REST & restore, the REST will take care of itself.

My husband, Ricky, & I founded Team Gender with these common goals & beliefs in mind. Team Gender believes the highest form of honor to our creators — biological & cosmological — is caring for the body we were given…a new world belief. Imagine…if we believed we carried inside of us — each of us individually — our deity & religion. What if sacredness of religious activity revolved around our own self care? If each individual Loved themselves this much to perform these six tools of survival & self-Love to their highest order, we would then achieve the highest order of community living. The more we Love ourselves, the more we will Love each other. Truly heaven on Earth.

By signing up for our blog, we will send you this Natural Resource Guide from Mother Nature.

Let’s go back to the basics. Let’s Love ourselves and then each other. Sister, brother, or other…let’s be a world of Team Gender. Divine feminine & healed masculine walking together in partnership…heading to Our True North.


Lezlie & Ricky

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